Guiding Your Child's Development

… toward limitless possibilities!

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire."
- WB Yeats


LCDS is a distinctive early learning program, offering both preschool and kindergarten in a combined setting. We follow a “Learning through play” philosophy within a language rich and fun environment.

Led by a teacher with a Bachelor Degree in Elementary Education and Psychology under the guidance of our teachers, children are introduced to a daily structured routine, balancing learning and play.

New concepts are introduced daily, with a near-term focus on Kindergarten readiness. Ultimately, our aim is helping children develop a strong foundation for future success and leading meaningful lives.

View our curriculum here.


Our program is in line with the Alberta Government and AISCA guidelines.

People of LCDS


Shannon Music

Executive Director


Ms. Michell



Ms. Corina


Useful Resources

Below are links to many resources we use on a regular basis. They include regulations, subsidies, activities, health, and support networks.

Alberta Child Care
Alberta Child Care Subsidy
Alberta Education
Alberta Child & Family Services
Alberta Early Childhood Education
Alberta My Health
Events & Attractions
LCDS Curriculum
Eye See... Eye Learn
Speech & Language
Canadian Mental Health Association
Positive Parenting Program
caring for kids
Canadian Pediatric Society