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Newsletter April 2022

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[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1649443787969{margin-bottom: 33px !important;}”]Upcoming Events for April

April 4th – Classroom Cleaning
April 6th (AM only) – Graduation Photos
April 14th – Puppet Tree House
April 15th – 18th – Easter – NO SCHOOL
April 26th – Gym Day[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1649444080971{margin-bottom: 33px !important;}”]

Upcoming Events for May

May 2nd – Classroom Cleaning
May 6th – Mother’s Day Tea
May 11th – AGM
May 19th – Safety City
May 22nd – Bingo
TBD – Family Year End Party
May 31st – Last Day of School
May 31st – June 1st – Casino

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13931-140th Street                               Phone: 780-473-7216                                           Email:
Edmonton, AB                                     Fax: 780-473-7021                                            Fax:[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1649444166160{margin-bottom: 33px !important;}”]Message from the Board

Hello, Hola, Konnichiwa, and Bonjour. Thank you for taking our children on a
fabulous trip around the world. Your country posters, snacks, and the
children’s presentations were informative and creative and the kids had a
wonderful time learning about other cultures. As we return to Canada, we are
delighted to be seeing more hours of sunshine and melting snow. Spring is just
literally around the corner!

Thank you for your fundraising support for the Walk-a-thon! The children had a fun time despite the
cold wind. Thank you to the parents who also assisted. Thank you to everyone who participated in
the Easter Purdy’s chocolate campaign we earned another $488.91 from our sales. We would like to
thank a former family for their continued support in our program, the Salt family. They have
participated in our Christmas Purdy’s Campaign, our Silent Auction and the Easter Purdy’s
Campaign and we can’t thank them enough for the extra dollars they have brought into our school
this year. Our next fundraiser will be the Spring Flowers sales and a possible Mother’s Day 50/50 &
raffle, discussions are under way.

Thank you to everyone who has worked their Bingo shifts this year. We have one more bingo event
to complete. As we had more Bingo slots than families this year, we will need volunteers to work this
Bingo event. If you are returning next year, we can offer you an early start on filling your Bingo shifts
for the next school year. We also have need for some paid workers for those families who have
opted out of their bingo shifts. The Bingo is scheduled for May 22nd, which is the long weekend so it
will be even more difficult to fill. If you can work this event, please see Ms. Shannon. At the January
membership meeting, it was decided to continue working Bingo until we find an alternate form of
revenue to replace it. This means that our members need to step up and actually work the Bingo
events as we do not have enough emergency workers to fill a complete Bingo event. We had too
many families opt out of their Bingo commitments this year, if this trend continues, we may have to
revisit this option. The proceeds earned from working these events helps to keep our fees low and
provides for the fun activities your children participate in each day. Please sign up to help out.

With only two months left in the LCDS school year, spring is a time to celebrate how far everyone has
come. Mark your calendars for our Annual General Meeting on Wednesday May 11th. Consider
volunteering for a board or committee position for 2022 – 23. We need to fill our Board positions as
we cannot operate without a full board and committee chairpersons. We really need a Bingo
Coordinator for next year. We need as many of our current members to attend, to give us your
input and feed back and to vote in our new Board of Directors and Committee Members. Ms.
Shannon will send out the job descriptions prior to the meeting.

We are planning for an exciting Year End Party to end the school
year on a fun note. We will need help with planning and setting it
all up. Please let us know if you can assist.

Our next board meeting is on April 27th, 6:00 pm, please let the
office know if you would like to attend by Zoom.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1649444197605{margin-bottom: 33px !important;}”]Registration for the 2022-2023 School Year

Registration has been going very well. The morning class is almost full and there is still
room in the afternoon class. If you know of anyone who would like to register their child
at LCDS for September in Preschool please let them know they can pick up a
registration package from the LCDS Office.

If they would like to meet the teacher and see the classroom, they can book an
appointment through the office for an afterschool tour.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1649444289383{margin-bottom: 33px !important;}”]Puppet Tree House

THURSDAY, APRIL 14th, 2022
AM Class: 9:00 am – 11:45 am
PM Class: 1:00 pm – 3:45 pm

All children are welcome to attend even if Thursday
is not their regular day.

Kindergarten children arrive for their normal class times.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1649444450382{margin-bottom: 33px !important;}”]Graduation Photo Day


Regular classes will be cancelled this day.

The Morning Class will begin @ 10:00 am and will commence in 5-minute
The Afternoon Class will begin @ 11:00 am and will commence in 5-minute

* Please sign up on the Parent Boards if your child will be coming for Graduation/Regular Photos.
If your child missed the fall school photo session, she should be able to take a regular photo for
you instead.

* The photographer does not arrange for picture retakes, as the photographer usually takes
about three or more poses for you to choose from.

* Each sitting will only take a few minutes. Please check in when you arrive and your photos will
be taken in the order of the time slots.

* The school has 3 sets of royal blue graduation gowns and caps for the photos. We will sanitize
the caps between uses. Please have your child wear a white shirt or top, as part of the shirt will
show in the neckline of the grad gown. If you do not want your child to wear the cap and
gowns and would prefer the photo to be taken in their own clothing, please let the staff know.
We also have some black felt hats that can be shared and disinfected between uses.

* The photographer will take your child’s photo at the photo session and will return a digital
proof selection approximately two weeks later
for you to place your order.

* No money is required on the Photo Day. [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1649444612088{margin-bottom: 33px !important;}”]Gym Day In The Classroom

We will have another Gym Day
on Tuesday, April 26th

Please drop off and pick up your child at school at the following times:
AM Class: 9:00 am – 10:30 am
PM Class: 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm

All children are welcome to attend even if Tuesday
is not their regular day.

* Please dress your child in loose comfortable clothing for stretching and exercise
and tie long hair back. If the weather is nice we will plan for outside play.

We need a few volunteers to assist with cleaning the equipment. If you are able to
spare some time, please sign up on the parent boards.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1649444712101{margin-bottom: 33px !important;}”]Teacher Report – Michell Fung

Time is flying by so fast, and only a few more months of school are left. It is great to see how
far the children have grown from the beginning of the year. We are incredibly proud of the
children and their progress and hard work!

March has been a fantastic Month of
Multiculturalism inside our classroom. Thank you
to all our families who brought a special snack
and made posters this past month. We truly
appreciated the hard work on your part to
make each country that we studied
meaningful for our young learners. The posters
and presentations were excellent, and the
children did a great job of presenting. Children
will be bringing home their “passports” at the
end of the month, and they will be excited to
share with you all the many different countries
they have “visited” and studied. Please spend
some time talking about your children’s
experiences in the L.C.D.S. airport and in the
dramatic play airplane! I hope you enjoy all of
the photos on ClassDojo.

On Thursday, March 24, 2022, we had our
L.C.D.S. Walk-A-Thon. The children had a
wonderful time walking, running and skipping
around the parking lot and stamping their
paper each time they completed a circle. The
children received a medal, LCDS water bottle
and a pedometer for all of their hard work at
the end of the gym day. It would be great to
discuss with your children, how a pedometer
works, and how it can keep our bodies healthy.
Thank you to all of the parents who volunteered
and raised money for our school![/vc_column_text][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1649444865386{margin-bottom: 33px !important;}”]Teacher Report – Michell Fung (Cont’d)

On Thursday, April 14, 2022, the children will have an in-class field trip with the Puppet Tree
House. Your child or children will learn about and interact with many types of puppets in
the classroom. The children will be very entertained by this hands-on experience. Please
check the parent board for more details.

With spring and the promise of warmer weather just around the corner, we hope to resume
outdoor play at the end of class. This may be decided spontaneously without prior warning
or reminders. Please ensure your child has the appropriate clothing and footwear, such as
rain boots, a warm jacket, hats and mitts. Also, the temperature in the classroom tends to
fluctuate, please include a sweater or hoodie for your child to put on if they are feeling

At this time of the school year, we would also like to encourage our young children’s
beginning sense of responsibility by having them hang up their coats, put on their indoor
shoes, and find their name tags/name cards with assistance from you if needed. Please
help them to be capable by taking the time to let them be responsible for their belongings.

The children will be working on a special project for their Mother’s Day gifts at the end of
April. We are excited to bring back our Annual Mother’s Day Tea Party on Friday, May 6,
2022. All mothers are welcome to come. Please dress up for the occasion. Mark this in your
Calendar and plan to attend with your child. We hope to see all of our moms there!

If you have any questions about your development and progress, please email me at or message me on ClassDojo. You also can set up an appointment
with the office.

Have a wonderful and Fun Spring break!


Parent Helper Day Schedule for April and May
Please remember for April and May we are going back to parents volunteering in the
classroom on the day your child has been scheduled to bring snack. Your child may also
be scheduled to celebrate their “Un-Birthday” for their summer birthday.
You are asked to stay for the duration of class and you will help out in the classroom and
prepare the snack. You will be asked to wear a mask while helping in the classroom. If
you have any questions please email the school office.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”5667″ img_size=”medium” alignment=”center”][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1649443489975{margin-bottom: 33px !important;}”]



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